Spidergawd • Spidergawd IV (180G classic black vinyl)
Spidergawd IV LP (CD included)
180G classic black vinyl
If You live outside Norway it will cost a lot less to buy this limited version through Stickman Records.
Running a record label is pretty easy when one of your artists releases the Album of the Year, every year. It gets even easier when each new release eclipses the previous one! Spidergawd’s fourth album is titled IV and will hit the shelves in February 2017.
Spidergawd IV is, true to form, a brand new trip. Per Borten, Rolf Martin Snustad, Kenneth Knapstad and brand new member – bass player Hallvard Gaardløs, have made a Rock’n’roll Monster that pays its respects to The New Wave of British Metal. Put in lay man’s terms: It sounds like Spidergawd, but is even tougher than before.
The conception of Spidergawd IV took place during intense touring in the Spring and Summer of 2016. Playing sold out gigs throughout Europe and leaving it all on stage every night, takes its toll. In order to recover and do it all over again the next day, some kind of ritual must be in place. Spidergawd opted to gather for wine and contemplation, accompanied by the musical starlings of Dio, Mötorhead, Thin Lizzy, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. That’s how new rock’n’roll is made!
Spidergawd IV offers up the uncompromising presence that constitutes the band´s brand, and the music has been created through a tight collaboration. Per is responsible for vocals and lyrics, but making the music has been a collective effort. The album is recorded in Sørgården Studio and released by Crispin Glover Records.
Are you curious as to how grooves of the Seventies, blues and British Metal pairs up with a band that is defining the sound of rock today? Brace yourself for impact in February, 2017. Spidergawd IV is a hard hitting Valentine´s greeting to all Rock’n’roll lovers – because Spidergawd loves you too!